One Day Cafe

English Loungeで発行している月刊誌「Lounge Times」1月号より,One Day Cafeに関する記事を紹介します。One Day Cafeは,毎年イングリッシュ・ラウンジを管理・運営する学生スタッフが企画するものです。教職員や学生が手作りのお菓子を持ち寄り,販売します。売上金はホームレス支援NPO福岡おにぎりの会に寄付されます。

cafe2.jpgWe opened a cafe named "One Day Cafe". It is one of the special events held at the English Lounge. We serve many kinds of dessert and drink to students and teachers, and donate to charities the money we get through this event.

The staff members of the English Lounge made sweets at their own homes. Some teachers and office staff also brought various kinds of sweets voluntarily. We could prepare over 20 kinds of dessert for the cafe.

Every sweet was so delicious. I felt happy to see a broad smile on everyone's face. I was also happy that much more people than usual came and had merry conversation in English. We were very busy but we did our best for visitors. I thought we bonded together strongly though this event.

(Reported by Yuka)


HP担当者 | English Lounge | 2009.02.19 Thursday

Fukuoka Jo Gakunin 2007.All Rights Rreserved.