2008年05月 アーカイブ

2008.05.13 Tuesday


「英語科Today」に「English Lounge」という新カテゴリーが加わりました。English Loungeでの活動の様子や,English Loungeを運営している学生スタッフが発行している月刊紙「Lounge Times」の記事を転載してお届けします。

The English Lounge held a welcome party on 25th of April. Before the party started, a lot of people came to the English Lounge. We were so grateful that we had about sixty people in the Lounge. The room was crowded but the party went off smoothly.


We did many things at the party. First of all, all the lounge staff members introduced ourselves. This year fifteen lounge staff members will manage the English Lounge. The introductions were pretty fun. We hope everybody remembered our names at least. After that, we enjoyed two kinds of games. One is called the True or False game, and the other is a bingo game. In the True or False game, we gave questions about Jo Gakuin. We were impressed that first grade students knew a lot about Jo Gakuin. They answered our questions easily, but we didn't prepare enough prizes for all the students with high records. There was a keen competition. Our bingo game was not the general one. It was an introduction-to-each-other bingo game. The way of the game was really good for getting to know each other and making new friends. Everybody seemed to enjoy it very much. We spent a great time talking in English, playing games and having some snacks and drinks at this party.

It was a nice opening party for the English Lounge. We, all lounge staff members, appreciate that you made it a great event. Thank you very much. And we hope that we will see you soon at the English Lounge.

(Reported: Hiroko)

2008.05.19 Monday





2008.05.27 Tuesday





優勝 清水 麻里
2位 安部 奈津子
3位 宮園 絵里奈

2008.05.31 Saturday


2008年5月31日に第2回大学見学会が開催されました。エアライン業界に興味がある高校生のみなさんを対象とした「エアラインマナー講座」と,実際に短大で行われている授業を体験していただくために,本学講師Troy E. Doucetteによる模擬授業「Speaking like a native speaker」が行われました。

模擬授業では,「want to 」や「going to」といった表現が話し言葉として用いられると,「wanna」や「gonna」に変化することを歌や映画などの題材で学んだあと,参加者同士で「wanna」や 「gonna」を使って会話を楽しみました。


Fukuoka Jo Gakunin 2007.All Rights Rreserved.