Welcome Party

イングリッシュ・ラウンジ運営スタッフもこの4月よりメンバーが交代しました。代替わりして初めての Lounge Times (イングリッシュ・ラウンジで発行している新聞)が発行されました。その中より4月30日におこなわれたWelcome Partyの模様を伝える記事を紹介します。


We had a welcome party on April 30th. This party was our first event. A lot of new students came to the English Lounge! They were ready and willing to speak English. They said "Hello" with smiles when they came into the room.

We had a good time playing many games. First, we played vocabulary game. We had to think of many words at this game. When the game's emcee called out, for example, "family," we needed to list words related to the word, such as father,mother,brother,sister and so on. Amazingly, the winning groups came up with so many words. After that, we played “true or false” game. The "true or false" game is a popular game. Everyone knew how to play this game. The theme for this game was Fukuoka Jo Gakuin. Although the first few questions were easy to answer, the questions gradually got harder and harder. Only one person could keep on getting the right answers and got a prize. Congratulations! Before the party was over, we took pictures of ourselves.


I think the party was successful though we had some points to be improved for the future. We did our best and enjoyed this party. All of the Lounge staff appreciated the new students and the teachers joining us.

(Reported by Megumi)

HP担当者 | English Lounge | 2009.05.29 Friday

Fukuoka Jo Gakunin 2007.All Rights Rreserved.