
 福岡女学院大学短期大学部はウィスコンシン大学リバーフォールズ校と協定を結び,学生を2名ずつ交換しています。この夏に交換留学生としてそのウィスコンシン大学に行ったSatomiさんの体験記をお届けします。この体験記は,イングリッシュ・ラウンジで発行しているEnglish Lounge Timesに掲載されたものの抜粋です。

uwrf1.pngHi! My name is Satomi. I'm a student in the second year of Fukuoka Jogakuin Univeristy Junior College. I went to Wisconsin, as an exchange student, for 3 weeks during this summer vacation. After participating in this exchange program, I became more inclined to transfer to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls.

At UWRF, I audited Communication course and Film course for 3 weeks. These classes were very interesting for me. Communication course was a very small class. We studied about how to make speeches and what communication is. All the students exchanged ideas willingly in the classes. I thought they had their own clear ideas. I thought I should be more active like those students in class.

Film course was very attractive to me because I love American movies. The university has a studio on campus, and students can use cameras and audio equipment to study about broadcasting.

uwrf3.pngI talked with many international students at the Global Connection Center of the University. They were from China, South Korea, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, Kenya, U.K., Russia, and Canada. We talked about their countries, cultures, customs, foods, and the election systems. I was able to know about many countries at the same time at this university!

While I was at River Falls, I stayed with an American family. My host family members were very kind, and I had a great time with them. On the day when I arrived there, my host mother took me around on campus. Her English was easy for me to understand, so I could talk a lot with her. My host father always cooked dinner for us. His dinners were delicious. Their son, Bobby, was a senior in high school, and was good at soccer.

All of my host family were interested in Japan. I spoke to them about Japanese culture and customs in English. I brought a tea cup, whisk, and green tea power with me to show what tea ceremony is. I hosted a tea ceremony for them, and served tea. They seemed to enjoy the ceremony, but they said they didn't like the taste of green tea. It was too strong to them.

uwrf2.pngI decide that I want to transfer to UWRF next year. I wish to major in Communication and Film studies there.

HP担当者 | 交換留学 | 2008.11.10 Monday

Fukuoka Jo Gakunin 2007.All Rights Rreserved.