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短期大学部 英語科 英語科 Today

2014年1月 一覧


Movie Day!

Movie Day, Friday, January 17

The English Lounge Staff held one last event by showing two movies on
our Movie Day.

The movies were fun and emotional. It was a good time shared by all and
a great way to learn English! We hope to see you in the English Lounge
for more Movie Days in the new school year!


投稿時間:2014年1月20日 11:17 | 固定リンク


Farewell Partyを行いました!

Farewell Party, Thursday, January 16

The English Lounge Staff said goodbye by hosting a farewell party that
included fun games, lively dancing, enjoyable talking and delicious

We appreciate all the good work the students did over the school year
and we are already getting ready for next school year by recruiting new staff.

Thanks everyone for a fun year! All the best in life after graduation!


投稿時間:2014年1月20日 11:16 | 固定リンク