福岡女学院大学 トップページ > 学部・学科 > 人文学部 英語学科 >  EAGL Today >  SAP/SECO/SOP Programs > Summer English Camp in Osa / 2011.8.19-24

人文学部 英語学科 EAGL Today


Summer English Camp in Osa / 2011.8.19-24

Summer English Camp in Osa (SECO) is an intensive course in which students stay at a residence hall on campus and study English for six days. This year 28 students participated in the programme, and enjoyed studying English with two instructors from Britain specially contracted for this programme.

Classes start at 9.00 am and finish at 3.50 pm. Besides this there is a self-study time for daily assignments and final presentations. This is a very demanding course, but the students had a great time this summer.


The two instructors, Moira and Janet, are professional teachers with a lot of experience, and they love teaching and communicating with students.


The department provides SECO for students who do not study abroad. Every year half of the second-year students take this course. They truly enjoy this 'mid-summer' instensive course .