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人文学部 英語学科 EAGL Today


Happy New Year to the World

The EAGL department is happy to send a happy new year message to the world.

The world is becoming smaller and smaller as the digital technologies and information infrastructures develop. Thanks to the Internet it only takes a moment to reach anywhere in the world. In this information society, knowledge becomes crucial to understand each other. Since English is used by nearly a quarter of the world population, those of you who have thorough knowledge of English will be more likely to get a ticket to access the world. We are happy to help make your dreams come true. 

January and February are an important period to those of you who are hoping to study in our department. You might want to know more about us. Please visit this blog and also messages in the past. There you will find a lot of interesting information about students and teachers. We hope you enjoy reading them to think about what you can do with us. Lastly, we hope the year 2011 will bring all of you hope and joy. We will see you in April.