Ecologically Speaking: Very Green Oxford Bus

Oxford Bus Company
"Ecology" is a key word in this environmentally friendly (or critical) age. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary says "ecology is the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment". We face "ecological crises" in many different ways now. Global warming is one example. The Kyoto Protocol was agreed in December 1997, and last year, Al Gore, who wrote the book "An Inconvenient Truth", was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his effort to raise the awareness of environmental problems.
Britain is not exceptional on this issue. The government and companies attempt to reduce Greenhouse gasses. The crisis is serious, but because it is serious, we need a sense of humour. This bus company not only painted the bus green, but also put the word "very" to emphasize their effort: "This bus is very green!" This human friendly joke helps people reconsider the seriousness of the matter. So the question: what can we do to protect the earth? Think ecologically!

HP担当者 | Oxford Report | 08:45

Fukuoka Jo Gakunin 2007.All Rights Rreserved.