Happy New Year 2008

Happy New Year from Oxford


The photograph above is the chapel of Exeter College. There are 39 colleges at Oxford University, and Exter College is the fourth oldest college founded in 1314. Famous graduates include J.R.R. Tolkien, the writer of 'the Lord of the Rings', William Morris, Edward Burne, and Alan Bennett.

Oxford has a unique system in its structure. Students belong to college and university. In my case I belong to Exter College and the Department of Education at university. Most undergraduate students live inside college and spend three years there. They also take classes provided by the University outside.

Please visit the following websites: University: www.ox.ac.uk, Exter College: www.exeter.ox.ac.uk

I would like to introduce Oxford University life and the town occasionally in this blog. Since this is the first message in 2008, I will show you a good English study site on the Internet. The site is 'Guardian Unlimited'. This is an excellent site for serious students who want to study English. There are many categories from politics to books and music. And there are 'podcasts' sites from which you can download interviews of famous writers and scientists such as Steven Pinker, linguist, and Richard Dawkins, the writer of 'the Selfish Gene'. Very exciting interviews! and of course you can listen to them in English.

I hope all the readers of this blog will be happy and well this year. 

*This site is for all the people who want to study English. Of course they include high school students. I will write in as easy English as possible. Even if you are not confident of your English abilities, please try. I am sure you will enjoy it.



HP担当者 | Oxford Report | 07:25

Fukuoka Jo Gakunin 2007.All Rights Rreserved.